Just got back from majestic Sedona, Arizona, where my family and I spent Thanksgiving. Sedona is a charming and crazy amalgam of spectacular geology, amazing autumn foliage, exciting restaurants, and an eclectic mix of new age shops and centers. Believers of aura photos, energy vortices, and natural healing flock from all over the country to the countless psychic and supernatural shops in this beautiful town. Sedona may be infamous for its fortunetellers but deservedly famous for its amazing rock formations, which provided the backdrop for many Western movies, with stars from John Wayne to Clark Gable filming there.
Sedona’s rocks are also exciting for anyone interested in Earth’s past as they provide spectacular and rare insights into the Permian period (299 to 251 million years ago) when the Pangea supercontinent converged. At the time of Pangea, all continents on Earth joined together: one could have walked from the Northern American plate to the Australian, African, or even to the Antarctic plates.

Today, the rock formations cut across about 2,000 feet of Permian deposits: they consist of beautifully exposed wind-deposited (eolian) and coastal deposits. The amazing dark red rock layers that surround Sedona are part of the Supai Group: these interbedded layers have been deposited in the early Permian, when the Colorado plateau has been partly covered by an inland sea and a large desert. The inland sea has extended and receded many times during the early Permian; every time it receded the desert expanded and giant sand dunes covered the region that once was occupied by the sea. The shallow sea and the dunes left deposits that are different in color and deposit grain size; these layers of alternating colors make up the Supai group (seen as the mostly reddish, layered rocks in the photos). On top of the Supai group is the whitish/grayish Coconino Formation – a younger, thick sandstone layer, deposited in the mid-Permian, in giant wind-blown dune fields (such locations are also known as erg, Arabic for sea of sand).
The soft red sandstone Supai group is easily sculpted by wind and rain erosion; harder sections of the Coconino formation on top of the red sandstone can protect somewhat the underlying the softer rocks, leading to the characteristic columns and spires typical to Sedona.
Although I have been to Sedona many times in the past, I somehow missed the Slide Rock State Park. This is a great location where flash floods have cut across the soft Supai sandstone and the creek now hosts a fast stream with beautiful pools — in the summer crowded with bathing families, but pleasantly serene in the Fall.

I may have missed the opportunity to have my aura photograph taken or to learn about my future from a Sedona fortuneteller, I can certainly understand the sense of magic this spectacular and serene scenery invokes in visitor – although for me, the true magic is not the mist in the crystal ball but knowing a bit about the incredible and distant past these majestic rock formation witnessed.
…interstellar travel constant acceleration (Sun-Deneb: 1000g)… Earth…the 2 ships that will go formation flying for mutual assisting if there are problems, indestructible structures made of Hexapentas material, awaiting in airport the arrival of passengers… Day 1: zero-speed… THE SHIPS TAKEOFF►…navigation computer places on screen the spacecraft in the center of sphere…spherical\tridimensional\spatial Heading: Deneb… Antimatter rocket engines…ON… Here we go…goooooo!…1g…10g…100g…constant acceleration cruise: 1000g (9.8 kms/sec²)… Inside of living areas (the same as going submerged in water: constant acceleration downwards…less…constant thrust, constant acceleration, from water upwards)…the gravitational transformers, perfectly synchronized with acceleration, running: 1000g constant acceleration toward the floor ↓↓(motors)↓↓…less…999g constant acceleration toward the ceiling ↑↑(gravitational transformers)↑ = 1g constant acceleration toward the floor↓… 8.5 hours: light-speed = 1c…the fusion reactor as an artificial sun illuminating the immense Vital Support Gardens to lowering, from their comfortable apartments, cheerful passage to the pool…the electromagnetic shield anti-radiation…antigravity fields generator run forward, working: light objects away from the path of the ship…and trajectory ship away from the heavy objects…superluminal-speed > 1c… 42.5 hours: reaches hyperluminal-speed = 5c… Day 508: Half Journey…1000 light years…high hyperluminal-speed = 1435.39c… OFF engines…a few minutes of weightlessness during maneuver…the ship rotates 180º around its axis…motors ON again and… ◄STARTS TO BRAKE… Day 1017 (2.79 years): End Path party…2000 light years…zero-speed… The forever young passage of the 1st Immortal Generation (3D Bioprinting…Telomerase…modified Biological Timers…) disembarks at destination: an extra-stellar planet which came errant to orbit of Deneb giant.
…interplanetary travel (to the asteroid of the end of the world)… asteroid Toutatis…how to move a mass of 40,000 million Tm?… Obviously the chemical rockets they are not able. Only a few nuclear charges will be enough for gives it the shove. At Space, on having not air, there is not expansive wave. Only will arrive to it the radiations, gamma rays, etc, which volatilize the impact surface of those radiations and eject the superficial material as a jet propulsion. Subterranean nuclear charge: destruction of the asteroid. Nuclear charge very near from surface: deflection of the asteroid. If asteroid it is small, as DA-14, perhaps being enough with a single nuclear charge…or less drastic for give thrust them: installing on asteroid a nuclear electric generator. A spatial-catapult, as the aircraft´s carrier deck but with a linear electric motor, some over rails tip cars, or fastened to an endless belt, launching rocks and/or plastic bags filled with ground… A spatial-sling, a revolving tube at high revolutions, rocks entering by the gyration axis and go out by the tube sent away at big speed towards the Space… Thrust by action/reaction for deflecting it with time… If asteroid it is large, as Toutatis, probably would be necessary a few spepped nuclear charges for moving it. War ballistic missiles that there are, they do not are useful (are designed for go away from continent to continent…by inhuman nationalist warriors without future: “their” Nation, “their” Flag, “their” Anthem, “their” Land, “their” Frontiers, “their” Language… World´s around…come on Everybody…♫…No More Wars…No More Nations…No More Frontiers…♫…)… Only can ve useful a rocket that can to put the charge at interplanetary orbit, as the multi-phase which put satellites in geostationary orbit (is necessary have them already prepared in a Spatial-Command with all the nuclear weapons that there are in the World controlled and preserved by a Planetary Organism, only for that)…(“Doomsday asteroid”: W. Cox and H. Chestek). Not only will can deflecting them from their trajectories of collision with Earh, but besides…they will be placed in geostationary orbit (DANGER: END OF THE WORLD IF ASTEROID COLLISIONS WITH EARTH…), for to exploit their wealth of minerals, water, oxygen, nitrogen for the air and agriculture of Vital Support Gardens, etc… They will be utilized as ships, for to travel in them to the Solar System boundaries…as a “buses” fleet, going over there in one and if want to return or go away to other direction awaits the approaching of suitable asteroid to transferring… Drilling asteroids by the center, such as a gyratory without bone olive with 1g centrifugal, with a fusion reactor in the center which it will give the light anf heat as an artificial sun… At to look over there at high…will see to those other cities, rivers, cars, buildings…”downwards head”…
…space-elevator (orbital station bike wheel-1g)… geostationary orbit, a huge “bike-wheel” is gyrating around its own axis for have 1g-centrifugal. Wheel held in place with 4 CABLES (each cable with a track for Train, for both train´s crossing ↓↑) FORMING THE STRUCTURE OF A RHOMBUS♦ (minor diagonal of rhombus is the gyration-axis of the Station-Wheel)…rhombu´s below, the carbon nanotubes Track towards Earth…rhombu´s above, the Cable towards a higher counterweight with sufficient mass for having very very tense the Track… if…WHEEL´s RADIUS =250 mts… Wheel gyration´s Axis length = rhombu´s minor diagonal = Wheel´s radius = 250 mts… Cable´s length of the rhombu´s side = Wheel diameter = 500 mts. Wheel´s ZONE-1g: habitable length = 1571 mts*50 mts wide*50 mts height, gyrating 360º each 31 seconds, angular-speed = 11.61º/sec, linear-speed (tangential) =182 kms/h… Station-Wheel´s GYRATION: AXIS IN PERPENDICULAR (90º) ORIENTATION TO THE ORBITAL TRAJECTORY…and so, while Station-Wheel follows its geostationary orbit, the Wheel does Not changes the spatial-orientation of its axis, and thus there are Not Precession forces actuating (and thus there is Not collision tendency of the Station-Wheel against the rhombu´s cables… Wheel with maneuver´s tangential-rockets for gyration´s starts, or…gyration emergency stop…and maneuver´s axial-rockets for reorientation of wheel´s axis when orientation of Earth´s axis slightly changes due to nutation, etc…but the system must supporting lateral charges, in the same orbital plane, against Track produced by the Coriolis effect (due Earth´s rotation West→East) when Train goes upwards (←track is shoved bacward, West) or Train goes downwards (track is shoved forward→East) …and so maintaining the Track always without transverse lateral↔movements), the gyroscopic-rigidity contributes for maintaining forever the gyration-axis perpendicular to the orbital trajectory… When the Maglev Train slowly arrives, using now their retractable cogwheels by the Zipper-Track (zippers installed on the same Maglev-Track), Train stops in Geo 0g-Station placed over one extreme of the gyration-axis… Passengers disembark and entering into gyratory circular corridor, they take now the interior-elevator of one of the Wheel´s hollow radius, and tunnel “descending” till Hotel into the final Zone-1g…where while Station-Wheel goes turning, the immense O2 producer Hydroponics Garden receives a filtered Sun light…and there are Earth´s awesome views.
Those wild inhuman without future: living in golden palaces well fattened and looking elsewhere, meanwhile children perish of hunger in the Third World
…3D Bioprinting-Immortality (biological timers)… Forever young with modified Biological Timers…which are the biological timers?, where are them? (genes, hypothalamus…), how functioning them?, how can modify them (telomerase…) for maintenance the hormone´s production, enzymes, cellular regeneration…all Eternity at same level of the 18 years old?… Have to accelerate Research about Memory and the Space´s Colonization… Immortality comes…
Nobel Prize physiology 2017…about biological timers…
(2b)…interstellar travel (thousands G of constant acceleration)… electromagnetic force creating artificial gravitational force: “electrogravitics” effect, electric currents very high voltage using Tesla/Brown electromagnets and capacitors…gravitational transformers… They say that secret Tesla coils are so powerful that bend the same Gravity and the Ships and crews do not feel sudden accelerations or directional trajectory changes. So perhaps instead of antimatter rockets, in the future Spacecrafts will use Tesla anti-electromagnetic field impulse…
…interstellar travel not acceleration constant (graphene: planet errant)… every bit a Terraformed planet errant into a bubble graphene how diamond transparent…with fusion reactors which will give the light and heat how an artificial sun, encircling an antigravitational field Tesla/Brown “electrogravitics” prevents objects collision against the “blue-arch of heaven”… Who needs already a star…
…interstellar travel not acceleration constant (laser)… L=2*3.14*r… that beam of a laser pointer that turns 180º, from horizon to horizon, in 1 second and 4 imaginary semicircular screens located, for example, to the distances from Earth… 1: 95493 kms… 2: Moon (384403 kms)… 3: Sun (150 Million kms, 1.5*10^8)… 4: Andromeda (2 million light years…19 Trillion kms, (1.9*10^19), Universal Large Scale: 1 billion=1 million of millions, 10¹²)… The mark of laser pointer to reach, would move alongside each screen to an angular speed of 180º/sec and a linear speed, based on the light, of…(3.14*r)/c… km 95493=1c… Moon=4c… Sun=1570c… Andromeda galaxy= 198 Billion*c, (1.98*10^14)*c… If turn laser pointer to the right, why is going to bend each laser beam to the left, not to exceed c, from km 95493, radius “frontier” in which the speed of laser mark on the screen = c ?… Decreasing magnitudes have a close limit, but growing…have an “infinite” limit to our knowledge, understood here as “infinite”, at least, an exorbitant figure… as with the TEMPERATURE (-273 ºC to “infinite”)… MATTER (quark to “infinite”)… TIME (0 to “infinite”)… SPACE (0 to “infinite”)… why it would be SPEED different?…(0 kms/sec to “infinite”)…
(2)…interstellar travel not acceleration constant (laser)… the question is to ask oneself whether we should consider as a real or fictitious speed the apparent displacement of laser mark on the screen. Because (apart that the different photon´s wave trains that make up the laser beam are “almost” parallels, that is divergent ((if 1 single photon waving goes away in straight line, why when they go away together into the light beam they are divergent? (on Earth there are reflection on dust´s particles, but in space…), they must go “colliding” among them (radiation pressure?) and resulting deflected, until they are so separated that leave of collide and go in straight trajectories, but already divergent among them…)), increasing the cross-sectional area of light beam with distance, and becoming thus increasingly tenuous) it´s really not 1 only light beam that rotates, but an “unlimited” number of light rays with limited length, leaving together from light source but, on turning this, grow apart laterally from each other, as the ribs of a fan, with increasing travel distance; as we see in harbor lighthouse that rotates and the look towards us, seeing 1 beam of light instantly. So, as go turning laser pointer, each laser beam that go out in direction goes in straight line and to reach screen leaves its mark a moment, the next beam leaves its mark a moment, etc…separate two adjacent marks for a dark space, bigger in each farther semicircular screen, proportional to the radius. What we would see, as in frame of a movie, how the continuous displacement of 1 single mark apparent… Of course at an Andromeda´s radius, without obstacles, the photon of each wave train would arrive…but the others photon´s wave trains of the laser beam would be so far, due to the divergence…that would not see the mark.
(2b)…interstellar travel not acceleration constant (laser)… But, if someday could make a laser-ray with its photon´s wave trains auto-correcting the divergence…how if they should go way inside of a fiber-optic tube reflecting on the walls without can go out, although the ray would travel millions of light-years, to the end would arrive the beam cross-section with the same area that beam departed from the light source… Laser/Antilaser? Trajectories: photons divergent (radiation pressure?), perhaps antiphotons convergent (radiation antipressure?), then would go 2 concenter “tubes of light”, normal photons interior-tube divergent/antiphotons exterior-tube convergent, perhaps repulsion photon/antiphoton…the exterior-antilaser prevents go out outside the interior-laser; and the interior-laser prevents go in inside the exterior-antilaser…maintaining always the same diameter… What would happen to arrive those intact laser marks to the distant semicircular screens?…hyperluminal-speed.
(2c)…interstellar travel not acceleration constant (laser)… Light from Andromeda, photons divergent…although…if all they diverge, or not it would be sighted, or Andromeda would be sighted without details how a diffused spot amalgam of photons from different stars, the fact that in telescope its stars can be sighted how ░░light´s dots░░, indicates that Some Photons, perhaps into the center of the light´s beam, they do not diverge and go away in straight line always from the beginning permitting thus to see that star how a clearly defined . light´s dot…
…interstellar travel constant acceleration (without suffering)… in the Brazil of the “Ordem e Progresso” the “children of the street” abandoned such as if they were dogs…in countries of Orient as Lebanon, children almost babies thrown away on the ground together with an adult begging alms, already from their more tender infancy they get accustomed to look the World from down and suffering…children dying of cold into refugee camps in countries with endless religion´s wars…and meanwhile shameless multireligious-pontifices in their golden palaces eating partridges, and well sheltered with the best wool in the best blankets made in England, the best boots…and not fall down their faces of shame when they look to themselves in the mirror… How they can have $50,000 million in the Bank, living on a golden skyscraper and to be dedicated to want build a barrier-wall, instead of to be dedicated to saving to all those who they can?… Off with religion, off with monarchies and off with politicians shameless.
(2)…interstellar travel constant acceleration (without suffering)… in that Brazil of the miserable ones, they say that for “to clean” the streets for the World Football Championship,,,the polic,,,assassi,,,childr,,, (someone of those majors children is capable of to kill for robbing the shoes, but the vermin are who governs and convert them in that). And FIFA “get to knew nothing”, they would must to have done suspend the damned World Championship and to observe 1 minute of silence for those innocents “swept away” from the streets and from the life… Can watch in photographs to two little girls begging alms, the tender creatures are joined for mutual helping to carry their solitude and abandonment… When the night goes down, to where they go?…they have searched instinctively, such as all livings beings, a place for take refuge…the place of the darkness, the place of the distance, the place of the fear, the place of the rats present over there too…one day another day, one night another night… Where is that “God”?, in the homovices ceilings of the Vatic ano. Where the hope?, where the tenderness?, where the education?…at none part. Others ones, carry glue to them for inhaling and forgetting and for dying.
(3)…interstellar travel constant acceleration (without suffering: the hope)… solution is Not the Alms which is the injustice, solution is Not the religion which is the lie. Solution is Justice and Truth: THE WORLD CAN NOT CONTINUE INDIFERENT TO THAT HORROR AGAINST THE INFANCY… ALL those children who are suffering must be rescued and be in ward by the State and be delivered in ADOPTION to all adequate FAMILIES OF THE WORLD who want adopt them…immediately and not using Infancy how change-currency such as it is doing in some “countries”… Oblivion? of those horrible crimes against Infancy Brazil World Football Championship, paroxysm of the horror how holocaust for German-soldiers who were shot to mothers with their children on the edge of a common grave… Children 8,500 die of hunger everyday on the World… UN: the World goes to continue building barrier-walls, quiet keeping and for other side looking?
…3d bioprinting-Immortality (mom-printer: not euthanasia)… within 1 century, to die will be “out of fashion”… whereas there is Life there is hope for hook to 1st Immortal Generation…the unique Immortality it is coming from We self: Technological Immortality… modified BIOLOGICAL TIMERS…3D BIOPRINTING… on wake up, but…if I am, when I was 18 years old…and still so I remember all my life in the ancient body before…(that is the important: REMEMBER the previous lives after each mortal accident, but will serve of nothing because always you will be living 1 only time without know it)… On the body the important is the head, in the head the important is the brain, in the brain the important is…The Memory…which is, along with Genes and Image, simply, what we are… Your recorded Memory to the new young perfect identical bioprinted body and…Immortality…already the accidents do not matter. The Memory is the “soul” (software), our body only is the “automobile” that transport us (hardware)… To what extent are we willing to recognize a friend, or picture yourself, who has received an orthopedic implant after an accident?. Until 1 leg?, besides of leg the 2 arms?, besides of this the chest?, besides of this…where until we still considering to it the same person?. Ultimately, already outside from the physical body, the Memory remains… Wherever our Memory goes, we go away with her… Record the Memory in a electronic format and stored by Law in the Official Data Banks, along with Genes and some Photos of each one, waiting there are in the Future… 1: BIOPRINTED BODIES genetically identical, in image and in all, to the originals in which “revitalize” to the electronic sleepers… 2: SPACE where to live a New and Immortal Life in some Universe´s habitable place… We do not can claim stay all ones here, besides each star and planet they have “expiration date”… “Earth is the cradle of the reason, but is impossible to live eternally in a cradle” (Konstantin E. Tsiolkovski)… ((But…is that…”it” already would be not “Me” of “black paw´s ham”…it would be a “cyborg/clone/avatar/Frankenstein”… Are you sure?, because to sleep, lose consciousness, “it” of “black paw´s ham” dies and disappears every night (die=sleep=fall fainted: switch off and darkness…the unique difference is when sleeping the body continues horizontal living alone vegetal without us, how an empty house no owner occupied)…and on wake up “it” appears every morning (rebirths)…and our MEMORY instantly auto-recognize us, the same in our own original body which in our new body (new car eh!)… If we would have lost the Memory…we would have lost the Life))… Have to accelerate Research about Memory and the Space´s Colonization… Immortality comes… Memory-Genes-Photo>>Bioprinted Body>>Space…
…interstellar travel constant acceleration (not bike accidents: tonyon counsel)… rear red light spectacular flash in distance road… “Ultra-Powerful army Lantern” (info@hidalgosgroup.com): 400 lm, 5 lighting modes high, medium, low, STROBOSCOPIC and SOS (5.95 Euros)… Paint glass/lens with Red Permanent Marker, and fasten lantern on bicycle with insulator adhesive ribbon. Put ALWAYS ZOOM mode max length lantern, and flashlight… (Also in Zoom mode for spacecrafts, airplanes, ships, cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc, anti-haze light)…
…space-elevator (orbital station ramp)… Faraway high beyond Earth surface at 150,000 kms…fast orbital speed 11.4 kms/sec…with only 0.08g centrifugal, 0.8 mts/sec² (somebody who has 80 kgs gravitational force on Earth equator radius=6378.1 kms; over there with a radius=156378.1 kms only has 6.64 kgs centrifugal force…gravitational force downwards minus centrifugal force upwards)…could be, if someday is cheap the maglev-track, the counterweight Terminal Orbital Station-Ramp… Awaits passengers in Earth-Station a hyperspeed vertical electric Train of Magnetic Levitation… “Spatial Train coming from Orbital Station-Ramp and Orbital Station-Wheel at these moments arriving will depart again after one hour, passengers with Moon destination please embark on SHIP-COACH when will be hooked at Train´s end, this Sunday will be stopped normal service by celebration of Parachuting World Championship jumping from 100 kms height”… (((if…Train´s mass=10 Tm and its vertical max-speed=10000 kms/h… CORIOLI´s EFFECT AGAINST TRACK downwards to East, upwards to West: acceleration=0.4 mts/sec², FORCE=0.41 Tm… How Track is attached on Earth´s equator, this Lateral Thrust occur in the same orbital plane, orbit forward or backward, and thus almost there are Not Precession´s problems in the system…except because due to slight cyclic oscillation (nutation and precession) of Earth´s axis, would that doing each a certain time a little correction, with their own axial maneuver´s rockets, for reorientation of Wheel´s Axis)))… medium-speed = 5,000 kms/hour: Earth/Orbital Station-Wheel, distance = 35,786 kms…total travel time = 7 hours… Orbital Station-Wheel/Orbital Station-Ramp, distance = 114,214 kms…total travel time = 23 hours… Well seized from retractable cogwheels, with slow-speed at the beginning travel of strong gravitation from Earth, with conventional Zipper-Track: MAGLEV-ON… COGWHEELS-ON… THE TRAIN DEPARTS>>…
(1)…space-elevator (orbital station ramp: fresh air)… RENOVATOR AIR UNIT: Powerful-Compressør³ continuously extracting the air only from bathrooms — compressed dirty air through anti-return retention´s ÷valve to ©Tank at exterior-space…besides punctually reinforcing, when sensor detects presence into bathroom connects extractor ~Ventilator of Pressure (220 v.ac/50 W) that carries the dirty air to a graphene´s inflatable ºBalloon at exterior-space, another Compressør² extracts the air of the ºBalloon and injects it compressed through another anti-return retention´s ÷valve to circuit of the ©Tank which has the dirty air already liquid at cryogenic temperature — #DISTILLER Linde mini — N and O2 liquids (Water Distilled is rescued, the dirty remains that can´t be used is thrown to space) — █Tank Reservoir Air Liquid that receives, if it is necessary, also O2 from ■Tank reservoir O2 liquid… From █Tank Reservoir Air Liquid (N+O2) arrives more/less new air for maintaining the ambient pressure: »»» breeze of clean fresh air 1 bar »»»░… Finally shall smell to roses in a Spacecraft.
(2)…space-elevator (orbital station ramp)… starting horizontal from Terminal Stations (only on coach´s floor, line of Seats side to side with their before vertical seat-backs now parallel to floor, passengers body horizontal), when train goes climbing (100 kms/hour) it is already in normal travel position…VERTICAL, now the Floor before is Wall and vice versa, seats and passengers are in normal travel position, vertical body. ■Each Inclinable-Seat with guiderails on Wall and floor for seat sliding from normal-vertical-seat-back till horizontal-bed: _| _/ _,__ Seat on floor, the normally vertical seat-back with its top-part always into contact with Wall-guiderails; padded-seat-bottom horizontal to ½ mt over floor for sit down normal, with hinges for fold up when it is not using… ¯| ¯\ ¯´¯¯ Seat on ceiling, the same but inverse… According to train´s acceleration, floor will be ceiling and vice versa; for passengers sit down with their feet down or up when Train goes accelerating or decelerating at one or other side of the geo-0g altitude, for passengers feeling acceleration toward feet and do not toward head… ▄Each Coach with e.g. 10 mts + service spaces in length divided into 5 Compartments with 2 mts habitable (floor-ceiling when it is vertical) each one; one Compartment placed at extreme is the Service´s Compartment with machines, RENOVATOR AIR UNIT, etc… ▄Each compartment: one wall all wide Seats side to side, another wall with Stairs, with steps on both faces up/down, in diagonal till next Compartment, another walls Food and Drinks, another wall 2 Bathrooms, with bath-screens for shower, etc, each person with 2 particular plastic-funnels and connectable into flexible-tubes, with exit for water center/aspiration air and water on brims. Into a frozen train´s exterior-tank all Organic Solids frozen and crystallized go away to a vibratory/triturator and converted into powder are slowly transported by an endless-screw till a little camber with electric-arcs discharge, and once volatilized are thrown to Space.
no pongas en web, “within 1…”, pon “within 1 century…”, porque lo otro es el típico insulto de los curas a los hombres, así que corrige, dale ejemplo a criaturas y manda a hacer puñetas a tus curas
…interstellar travel constant acceleration (Chiquitita the stars are shining for you over there in the high)… Today there is not any song, crying bitter tears for the Chiquitita from Mexico that never more will return to sing, she was shut up forever of the more inhuman mode by the coward feminicidal “machismo”, in reality those coward assassins are not males, they are homovices who although have the strength of men, they are not men (only the homovices, TV propagation, hate to women, libro homovicio “La ul muj de Austrl”, the last Australia´s woman, the homovices want make a world without women for “substitute to women”, damned-homovices-dirty-repugnant-sterile-ill-vicious-mistaken). Hypocrite politicians continuously doing damn´s concentrations to the coward feminicides perpetrated by homovices, that “damn” DON´T IS USEFUL FOR NOTHING, as can see, the unique that is useful is the Fear of Death Penalty, and all other are tales. The “civilized” politicians, guided by the religious “leaders” of the horror, they prefer that assassinating three thousand five hundred millions of women before call to Referendum and that being the People who decides applying to the feminicidal, a road-roller starting by the feet, and finished the cowards feminicides committed by the homovices. The horror against women will stop someday. Chiquitita las estrellas brillan por ti allá en lo alto.
(2a)…interstellar travel not acceleration constant (laser)…a light´s beam that rotates is not a light´s beam that rotates…if it would be 1 only beam even the infinitesimal centrifugal force from gyration perhaps would break the beam launching tangentially its photons at straight line, as the stone of a sling loop that breaks… The arriving light from a gyratory pulsar star is something seemed, the same that gyratory laser pointer from horizon to horizon 180º in 1 second, each beam that exits from the gyratory source is an independent light´s ray with limited length that only goes away in straight line: source on, beam starts; source turns, that beam finishes, is off, and starts-on another beam in the new direction… Photon, its mass “is believed” that is zero, but… Photon, “relativistic” Mass M = E/c²… constant h=6.626*10^-34 joules-sec… v, frequency e.g. red light=4*10^14 Hz… that photon energy E = h*v; E = (6.626*10^-34) * (4*10^14); E = 2.6504*10^-19… that photon Mass M =E/c²; M = (2.6504*10^-19) / (9*10^16); M = 2.944889*10^-36 kgs… that Photon “relativistic” Mass ~29 ten-sextillionth of kg ______ 4 Screens, infinitesimal Centrifugal Force in kgs from that Photon, according to huge centrifugal G… 1: 95493 kms (96,105,971g)=2.8*10^-28 kgs (~28 hundred-thousand-quadrillionth of kg)… 2: Moon 384,403 kms (386,870,541g)=1.1*10^-27 kgs (~11 ten-thousand-quadrillionth of kg)… 3: Sun, 1.5*10^8 kms (150,962,873,002g)=4.4*10^-25 kgs (~44 hundred-quadrillionth of kg)… 4: Andromeda, 1.9*10^19 kms (913,135,316,143,368g)=2.7*10^-21 kgs (~27 ten-thousand-trillionth of kg)… When source turns, each individual laser mark on the screen has zero speed, do not moves, arrives and it vanishes, such as a light-bulbs row that they go being on and off one after another, from the first to the last hyperluminal speed, but is Not the speed of a mobile because there is Not any mobile.