
Welcome to  Distant Earths! In this blog I share news and views on the exciting research aimed at finding life beyond the solar system. The blog includes updates on the related astrobiological research and latest results on extrasolar planets. My goal is to provide more details,  explanation, and context on results than typical press releases and articles do, without getting too technical.

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  1. I don’t know much about Exoplanet and despite my irtenest to know about our Solar System better, I think I’ve not done enough to support my that irtenest and get to know about our solar system better. There could be many mysterious out there which is still uncovered by the Scientists and it fascinates me a lot. Each discovery gets us a step closer to connect with other planets.

  2. Pluto’s moon Charon orbits Pluto so the IAU says it violates the rule about a planet or a dwarf planet having to orbit the sun. Fair enough but Pluto orbits Charon. Both are each others’ moon in the looser sense. If we can be loose and refer to Pluto as a dwarf planet and Charon as a moon why we can’t for the same money say we are already making a special dispensation for the two of them and we might as well call Pluto even a planet if we so choose? Why is it heresy? It would recognize Pluto and Charon as the two most major binaries from the sun to them.

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